Friday, July 12, 2013

A bit of a break today

as I'm in for 1pm-9pm but there's some training in there so it's going to be a bit easier. I'm up a bit latter this morning and even if I'm in bed by 3 this morning, I can still get 7.5 hours of sleep. Good deal.

On local news earlier they had a spot on a activity called Parkour. For those not in the know it is a historic activity In Western Europe, a forerunner of Parkour was French naval officer Georges Hébert, who before World War I promoted athletic skill based on the models of indigenous tribes he had met in Africa. Some of the moves you might have sene are: Running towards a high wall and then jumping and pushing off the wall with a foot to reach the top of the wall.using a rolling motion to help absorb large impacts to name a few out of Wikipedia. There is a training "school" of sorts here in Edmonton but it's mostly for young people. I admire the athleticism and skill involved.

The train derailment in Lac-Megantic in Quebec over last weekend is taking a tragic turn for the worse. Investigators in the red "zone" are pulling out more bodies. I heard on the news that there are 20 dead. It's now a criminal investigation.

I never did win on that Star Trek scratch n' win ticket and the Riders beat out the Argo's in this evenings CFL outing. I've got my 3 games on the ticket so I can still put another $2 to win for the double header on Saturday. Odds for those games are 7.5 x $3 would still be $22.50 to win. That's are dinner at the food court Sunday!Anyway, that's about all for now.


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