Friday, June 1, 2012

Ahh, Fridays

the afternoon was ok but for the most part things went by really slow. One of the major obstacles in the political end of my calls I get about half of the customer at the other end when asked if they are a supporter for the party, the most common answer I get is "I don't disclose my political views over the phone. And when someone says "yes" chances are they're unemployed and or "I half to to talk with my other half," or they're unemployed. And of course there are lots of answering machines or screeners asking what the call  is about. I hang up on those and move on. I was doing really good on the OPC last week but this week I fizzeld out.

Apparently the next  playoff game wont be until Saturday night, which is OK by me. It seems this roundthey play 1 game and have 2 days off. So if LA keeps going the way they have been and sweep NJ the Stanley Cup game itself won't be until next Friday. If they sweep NJ in 4 games. So far they haven't lost in 9 games! That's a record.

Yesterday was Kevin Pereira's last ATOS and its a shame. He's going to be a really tough act to follow. I don't know who his knew replacement is but its sad to see him go. We'll see on Monday who they (if anyone).

I've got a full day today and its to my bank and home and one day and I've got 2 off but i'm trying to save up enough funds for Komplete 8 and I'm thinking if I can put every Monday night for 4 hours until about 1st week in July I'll have it.  
Anyway, that's about all I have for now.

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