Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I had a good start to Tuesday afternoon and just exploded from there

and I had a record day. On my commute home it was +5 at 9pm!

I'm checking my email yesterday when I came home and there was a subscription message from the City of Edmonton. The Province is coming on board with the other half of the funding for the lrt Valley line/Millwoods to city centre lrt project. It's the missing piece of the funding project for phase 1 the Feds mentioned previously. It means now we can move the project forward and put shovels in the ground late 2015. It's a 5 year project. Phase 2 is from Edmonton Centre to West Edmonton Mall, which will be completed around 2024. It's just ten years away for t he whole project to be realized. I wonder if I'll live to see it.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is very strange (MH370) On the news last night a man broke down in front of authorities in the audience saying his daughter's cell phone still rings as authorities are doing what they can to resolve this mystery. Yet something sinister must have happened to have mh370 45 minutes into it's flight take a sharp left turn and "vanish." There are a lot of theories as to what happened. One conspiracy theory suggests that the plane was hit by a meteor, yeesh. Flight 370's transponder went off line after it had made the detour and the plan vanished from even primary radar. The most strangest yet are the 2 fake Iranian passports. Interpol has ruled out a terrorist attack and apparently the 2 Iranians were supposed to meet relatives in Germany.

I like this 5 hour shift but for now its only for the project I'm currently on. Anyway, that's all for now.

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