Thursday, March 6, 2014

My Doctors appointment went ok

although my weight is down by 4 pounds. I got an exact measurement on my height at 5.8." I'm waiting to get booked for some lab work and hopefully after that get a referral for the diabetic centre and maybe I can access the Doctor's network. I forget what it's called DPN something but there may be some funds in there to help me with my insulin.

After that we went over to Subway and I had a half of a chicken sub and a cookie, then we went down to Tim's for coffee and I bought Anne a large coffee and me a regular size and I won a free coffee from their roll up the rim contest. After that I went into the office.

I had a decent shift. I got my hours tweaked as I'm off Saturday but in Sunday from 12-8. It's a long shift, I realized that I'd be working from Sunday-Saturday without a break! So I got the super to make a note for me to have Monday night off. Then I work Tuesday-Saturday. If I don't hear from my 2nd job, by then I'll be looking for a new 2nd job and I have a few options in mind. The boss even asked me if my wife might want to consider some pick up hours which on the surface might be a good idea. If she can get a few shifts, then that might help us out.

When I left the building shortly before 9pm there was a light snow falling. It wasn't that cold as I had a wait for my train and got a front seat by myself. I had a headache on the way home most likely due to lack of food all day.

Kind of sad to see Alis Hemsky being traded to the "Ottawa Senators yesterday." The Oiler's haven't been trade buyers in the last couple of years. The Oiler's yesterday, however found themselves short a backup goaltender for team practice before the game with Ottawa. As she was in town, MacT asked if Olympic gold medalist of the Canadian women's hockey team goaltender Shannon Szabados to put on Oiler's gear and play goaltender for the practice game. I think this has to be a first! Oiler players were saying she didn't do half bad. Anyway that's all for now.

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