Sunday, March 16, 2014

I had a great Saturday off

spending hours working on my track, "This is Jim saying Hello." It's a stupid 2 minute track but I'm having fun. I might publish it to my YouTube channel.

The idea Saturday was to go to the South side and give my 2009 laptop a bit of love by way of a sshd upgrade. The last thing I did before I left for work Friday was to call and they said I'd have to bring my laptop into the shop wait 10 days then 24 hours from there, someone would "take a look" at it. Then it'd cost me $100 to clone my hard drive and another $50 for labor, what? This even doesn't include the cost of the sshd! So I'm instead going to get one of those $200 hard drive duplicators pop them in and install the new drive in myself. It's not so much the price it's leaving my laptop in foreign hands for 2 weeks. If I get any income tax refund back, I'll probably get the new pc anyway. Cloning the laptop drive to the new drive will be something I'm going to be faced with anyway.

Speaking of tax time, after Anne and I are done having dinner we're taking all of our forms to one of Anne's colleagues to her place of work. The guy will be there and we're going to bring everything in and let him do his thing. I have a feeling I'm going to end up owing the Feds anyway. I should know next weekend if I'll be owing the Feds anything/ Anyway, that's all for now.

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