Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Back in job hunting mode

again. I got 2.5 years of this crap to go through before I'm on full pension. Then it's just work part time for pocket money. I'm counting the days.

This afternoon I learned I have no work at my downtown job this week and possibly next week as well, not good. Tomorrow I'm heading out early before Anne goes to work and get a much needed haircut and then over to Service Canada (sc) and ask how do I file for unemployment. I haven't been in this position since before I got married in almost 15 years. Then I've got to get to Northgate to my pcn at and drop off the rejection letter they sent me, and my appeal letter in response to not getting Alberta adult health benefits. My pcn worker today said she's suggested this path for others and for my situation, she supported them and they got their benefits based on that. As for unemployment I'm sure the process doesn't end with one visit to sc. I also need to look into getting a sin card for my sin number as well, so I can do all of that at Canada Place/sc tomorrow. Anne took my resume into where she works and that could lead to something, maybe. If I could work 2-3 days a week where she works and on unemployment (as others have, Anne tells me) where Anne works, I could live like that for 6 months. It depends on whether or being on unemployment makes sense for me.

As for tonight I'm working on my track taking it easy before my run-a-round tomorrow. If I don't get anything at my downtown job by the end of next week, I'm moving on. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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