Monday, September 1, 2014

Sunday I took the wife out for a

late brunch at Rickies but they ran out of hash browns. It was kind of lame but for $25, it was ok. it was a chance to get out as well. I went ot Coles to see if they had the Kobo Aura in but they were out of stock. I'm looking at getting this later this month. 

Today I'm watching the Esks/Calgary in the labour Day Classic. I've been looking forward to this game since our first loss they handed us in June. It's payback time. Then I'm watching Monday night Raw. I have a full day today.

I'm still a bit choked over losing my Direct Buy job. I still have my downtown job but if they don't have any hours for me this week. I'm going to apply for ei saying that all my downtown job has for me are just a few hours here and there until they get going again. The boss thinks sometime this week or next but at least we have enough for September's rent and the bus pass.

Tuesday I've got to call the pcn worker who is helping me get some medical benefits that I was turned down about last month. I have a brief window of opportunity for appeal. I might have a week off but I have a shit load of stuff to do this week and I need to get myself a haircut. Anne and I are going down to Employabilities as I'm getting her started there and I'm using their computers. Then we're going over to Taco Bell in City Centre mall for a bite to eat and then home.

I'm having a great weekend so far despite losing my job Friday night. I'm going to call one of my colleagues there (I have their cell # ) around Remembrance day just to get an update. See if any of my pr's have been turned into members. I'm more or less over losing the job and now it's time to move forward. I can't wait until I get my full pension. Anyway, that's all for now. 

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