Sunday, October 5, 2014

About noon earlier today I went out to Future Shop

and bought the Kobo Aura ebook reader. It doesn't mean I'm not buying paper books anymore. It's just that there are some Warhammer 40k books/etc that are only in ebook format and there is classic literature I want to read in ebook format and some mysteries I want to read as well. Also, this thing lets me upload pdf files and articles from the web. it's about the same size of a pocket book but lighter.

This afternoon, I was setting up my Kobo and fooling around with that, having brunch and getting ready for lodge practice earlier this evening. I had my first ride ever in a electric car on the way home. This thing can get something like 350KMH on one charge. My ride said it's all powered by solar power and one charge can last a week. His whole house is solar powered. He's not a environmentalist or anything. He said he just wanted the power of choice. What struck me the most was this huge screen in the dashboard. It had to be about 12x24." He has complete internet in the car, its amazing vehicle.

Friday is my last night to open and close lodge. Then I'm pretty much done. I have the District thing on Saturday the 25th and I'm booking off for that. My first meeting in November the new guy takes over and I'm just a bum in a chair after that. What I'd like to do during my ipm year is more District service. 

As for tomorrow, I'm in 5-9 and hopefully I can have a talk with the boss to see if I can do the 2 hours instead of the 7 for the week. He's pretty flexible. Anyway, that's all for now.

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