Saturday, October 25, 2014

Why sleep never came when I went to bed some

5 hours ago isn't much of a mystery. My restless legs syndrome compromised the idea of sleep as soon as I got under the covers. 

I'm concerned about this meeting later this morning. I need to print off a copy of the report \i have to deliver at the meeting. it's in two pages but the font is small. I also got to dress up and head to Rexall, get the #8 bus to lodge by about 9:30am. I hope to leave out of here 8:30, in theory. This way I can have some breakfast cereal before heading out. After the meeting and festive board I hope I can get a ride back to my place and before Anne leaves. This way I can nap for awhile and maybe catch some of the BC/Winnipeg CFL game. There's no Oiler game this weekend so the Football game and maybe Doctor Who are all that's on TV this weekend.

I have a bit of a dilemma. I bought the Kobo aura ebook reader a few weeks ago reader to read Warhammer 40K ebooks etc that the Black Library (BL) doesn't publish in print form. As a experiment I tried to (using a popular 3rd party app called Calibre") and a book from Google's project Gutenberg. Kobo wouldn't take the book and I think this is because the book was not in a "Digital Rights Management" or DRM format. Next weekend I'm going to try and order a BL ebook from the Horus Heresy series as its in ePub format and see if that can be added to the aura library. If not then, that pretty much renders my Kobo useless. The other ebook option and I like this as well, is to get the new iPad mini 2. The iPad mini 3 has just been released but the mini 2 is cheaper and I can use it for other things as well. The iBook store has most if not all of the Horus Heresy stuff where as Kobo hasn't any Warhammer 40k. I don't know if I can get other BL ebook editions though from iBooks. Anne usually uses our iPad more then I do. I was also looking at the iPod touch 5th gen and that still might be a option but the screen size is still pretty small to read ebooks and I don't find it a very good reading experience as its hard on the eyes and too much pinch and zoom. The price difference between the low end iPad mini and the 32Gb iPod touch isn't that much of a price spread either. So, that's my dilemma. Do I keep trying to get ePub books onto Kobo or abandon Kobo for the mini, where I can buy ebooks using a iTunes gift card from there? Or will Calibre take the iTunes ebook from my laptop even though my laptop isn't a Mac? I have just under $10 bucks to spend in my iTunes account. 

Not that I'm going to have much of a weekend anyway this time around what with this meeting this morning. At least \i'll have the night to myself. I'm back on the job tomorrow from noon-8pm. Its a long day Sunday and I'm 1-10pm all this week. Hours like these where I work are rare and I want to take advantage of them as they probably will come to a end by about Grey cup weekend. After that most likely its 5-9. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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