Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I have a day off

today, which is ok because I can make some phone calls tonight and watch the Oiler's game on TV. If the game looks bad I can always switch the channel. 

We got a note under our door from management saying how Friday they're going to be installing new windows. It means we have to remove drapes, clear stuff away from the walls as work will begin 8:30am-5pm. I'm not sure if the window frames will need to be removed but it seems likely. Anne's going to read the note and she'll go ballistic. I'm not removing my computer desk. I can move the hutch and remove my laptop and Maschine and a few other things. We can move stuff on the balcony and leave it on the balcony. So the bedroom window gets done first and the office window we can move stuff at the other end to the bedroom window area. I'll be here before that. It depends on what they want to do first and if they'll need to come inside. At any event that ruins our Friday. I'll be leaving out of here at noon, Anne out of here by 3pm. Hopefully by the time she leaves out of here most of the work will be done. 

When Anne leaves I'm going to research Fan Duel a little bit. I signed up a few weeks ago and uploaded some funds to play. I'll be doing that later today. Depend on the sport I'll need to fill out a roster and try out a game or two. I'm not going to go crazy, maybe $20 month. Its mostly for fun.

I'm still thinking about a cell phone as I can keep track of my fan dual (fd) games and sports scores in general. Getting a cell phone has been on my mind for awhile now. There are lots of different plans out there but I'm not going with Telus and I'm not sure about a iPhone. Average plan that I've been looking at has been about $90 for 2 Gb/month. Most likely its going to be a android phone, something that can fit in my pocket. With a cell phone I'm never away from my email and there have been many times where I needed to get to my email when I was away from my email. A cell phone makes sense, I'm just not sure I can afford $100 month at this point.

Anne took that well. She doesn't like it but she took it well, which is ok. So, we'll be working on that Thursday night. The bedroom drapes will be the last to come down I suppose.

Not much going on other then that. The weather is holding out ok as we're into +13's and +15's, which is pretty nice for this time of year. We'll be in low single digits by the end of the month. Anyway, that's all for now.

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