Saturday, October 11, 2014

I might have got

maybe 2-3 hours sleep overnight. Happens all the time Friday night/Saturday morning. It gets worse if I have a non decaf coffee during the evening and rls makes itself know.  For now I'm holding out ok.

I still have yet to get a ebook up on my Kobo Aura. The Aura still says I have ebooks on it but it doesn't show up in the library. I think it's a browser issue, as it seems (from what I've seen and read) Kobo works with Internet Explorer more then with Firefox. In the forums some Kobo users are experiencing the same issue I'm having. At first I thought maybe I've a firewall up I didn't know about but that wasn't the case but Kobo doesn't have a ABC user's guide I'm thinking when I get my computer I might buy Kindle but I suspect I'll have similar issues no matter what ebook reader I'll have. Now I'm sure ordering books from the Kobo store works fine and well but this initial experiment is trying to get project Gutenberg ebooks to appear in my Kobo. My next project is to copy and paste and somehow have Pocket read it as a article. 

After a long 8 hour day today I'll be home about 7:30pm and I can watch the Oiler/Vancouver game at 8 and I have a cold beer waiting for me in the fridge. I've got 2 days off and I go in on Tuesday for 8 hours. Wednesday I have a un scheduled day off. Maybe I can do some lodge visiting. There are 2 lodges that meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. I'd much rather have Tuesday off and go in Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat because Highlands has lodge on that Tuesday. This way I have 3 in a row days off. I might ask to see if I can make that slight change today. I still get the 30 hours on this weeks pay period and odds are good I'll have 30-35 hours on next week for a total of 60-65 hours. This pay period ends on the day of the 25th, which is the District meeting. Registration is at 10:30am and lunch at noon then the meeting. I do my bit and then festive board. Of course all of this is in between a pay cheque week, which I'm always pinching pennies (pp) in between these weekends. Even now its a pp weekend.

Last night we held our elections and I got all that out of the way. Siting in the back room, is my ipm said I have my new apron, a case for the apron and my jewel. The above is given to me during our installation in December. The certificate comes next year. As of until this last June I thought I would be sitting in the big chair again for another year. As of our last meeting before Summer break I learned I don't have to as some of the guys stepped up to fill in those chairs. For the first time since 2005, 9 years, I can just sit and relax in lodge and enjoy the evening.

I bought a Proline ticket last night for the Dallas/Seahawks game on Sunday. On holiday Monday its a CFL double header with the Riders/Al's,and Winnipeg/Edmonton games. The CFL games are both Visitors to win and Seattle rarely loses at home. This week I'm going to try my luck on Fan Duel fantasy sports betting. For now I'm just going to try $1-$2 games. 

I was going to get a Tim's breakfast this morning and I still might do this on my way into work but I'm on a pp kind of a weekend. Since I have 3 days off this week, it's not going to impact me too much.

We're getting some nice weather here in the Edmonton area. Friday we got up to 20 degrees and today we're looking at 18. All next week we're looking at about 13-15. That's balmy for October around here. By this time next month, we could  have 2-4 inches of snow on the ground and -16 weather -22 wind chill. This has been a long post and probably my last one for awhile for this weekend, I don't know yet. Anyway that's all for now. 

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