Monday, August 8, 2011

I took this AVI of Boots

on Saturday, he's our stray that Anne found one winter and took care of him, then brought him in as part of the family. The only thing is, boots doesn't get along with the other cats and has a tendency to charge after them for a little go. Around Anne and I he's a real sweaty. Pardon the squeaky chair.

I'm having a great weekend although at the moment I'm getting a bit of a headache.

One bad habit my wife has which really ingrates me is she's constantly forgetting her keys, so I end up being a butler. We've developed a little "It's me" intercom ring identification. Three buzzes on the intercom and its me. It usually works well but Anne went out to get a few things and will be right back from across the street. Our intercom buzzer buzzed a few times then it got really fast and desperate. As soon as any button is pressed on the intercom within a suite it releases the outside door. Then I heard 3 rapid rings figuring ok that's Anne forgetting the signal. I released the door inside waiting for her to come in. Standing there about 4 feet behind waiting for her to come inside but nothing happened. Damn, they did it to me again. I'll ask her if she was buzzing earlier and decided to go back out again. Ordinarily I'd go down one flight of stairs to see who it is and 9/10 times it's Anne glaring at me from beyond the glass door outside looking in.

Anyway, other then the intercom door buzzing I'm having a good day. I keep telling myself, next time I'm going down and investigate who it is. Its most likely some crack head or drug dealer.

I'm not feeling very good about our office moving away from our current location in the Baker Centre. We've got new equipment new layout, new everything. We're also going to have Big Brother security cameras everywhere watching our every move. Our call centre used to be a fun place to work in but once head office moves its going to be a very uncomfortable place to work in. if they could they'd have security cameras in the bath rooms but that's against the law. I hope I'm over reacting but on the outside if its warranted, my whole personality is going to change. I'm going to be very stoic and looking to get out of there as soon as I can. Anyway, that's all for now.

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