Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We gad a bit of a scary moment

here yesterday morning just before I had to head out to work. I heard somebody from ground level outside (we're on the 2nd floor) a good 12 feet below is the grass, in aloud voice: "Hello? Uwho, Hello?" At first I ignored it and then the voice got louder. I looked up from my Star Wars book and saw outside of my office window onto our balcony some guy hanging on the outside of our balcony. He said he didn't know which suite his girlfriend lived in. I said something to the effect of "Not here, you shouldn't be here." He said sorry and jumped off. Anne was sleeping through all of this. So I let her know what was going on. Its a bit disturbing because in all the 11 years I've lived here this was the first time that something like this has ever happened here, that I know of. Like "I believed" his story. Yeah right. But it was a pretty scary incident and very brazen of the guy to do this in broad daylight, at 11am. So what if I had left and he did this say around noon. Anne still asleep. From the vague description I had, she has an idea who it is and what suite (in this building) the person is from. She hasn't decided what to do yet, if anything at all.

If things work out ok, it looks like I'll have a licensed copy of FL. Studio in my hands by Saturday morning. I hope, but anything can happen to toss a monkey wrench in those gears.
Coast is kind of lame this morning but Wednesday's show is about Elenin, Meteorites and Missing Time, should be a good show.
In SF Signal today their "Mind Meld" topic is on "What is the role and place of maps in Fantasy novels? Which are your favorites? Why? I don't have any favourite maps or anything like that but its one of the main things that separates the difference (besides the obvious) between SF and Fantasy. I haven't seen that many maps in SF novles other the Star Wars books of the map of the Galaxy. I look at a map in a fantasy book maybe once or twice as I'm reading and I seldom ever view it again. I'll have more on this later today. Anyway, that's about all for now. Time for bed.

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