Saturday, April 14, 2012

After about 4 years of trying to get Revenue Canada (RC) to get my address correct, they finally got my tax return, correct! We went down to the Library March 26th when we filed and got our return Friday the 13th! Cool. 18 days from the time we filed until the time we got it. RC included in my tax return an option for next year to have my return automatically deposit in my bank. All I need is a void check from the teller and send it off and it‘s done. I‘m considering this because even though this year they sent my check to the right place, next year they might send it to the other place if we don‘t call next year to make sure they get the address right. I don’t want to have to do that every year. It takes about 10 business days now from the time they get my return (and they usually process my return from the time I file to the time my return arrives at my address pending nothing goes wrong with the address from their end to me.) This way I can get my return the day I file or at least the next day. Before present day computing even having the right address it would take at least a month to get my tax return, unless I went to say a H&R block or an auto tax return where the vendor gets their percentage and I don’t get the full amount. So next year I‘m going to try something different.

It didn’t dawn on me until later this afternoon that it was Friday the 13th today. Usually this is one of my luckiest days of the year. I bought a 6/49 quick pick ticket this morning and I ended up with about $1,150 and $650 of that was on card, heck of a deal. Then I come home to find my tax return. Love it.

So, I’ll have $10 towards my breakfast later this morning, enough for my RJS book and enough for my share of our Pizza for Sunday + $20 for the week. Perfect. My Tax return and COH will put $500/815 to go, I’ll be needing for the I might even put in a couple of Monday nights as well.

Also, the boss got my vacation pay release form ready for HO. I’m going in this Monday 5-9, Tuesday 8, Wednesday 8, Thursday 8, Friday 7.5 for a total of 35.5 hours. Plus, having Saturday the 21st off, I can leave out of here at 11:20am for Lodge.  

7:25am We got a nice blanket of snow out there this morning but it’s not sticking to the sidewalks or anything. I took this photo moments ago but Blogger the way they have it now you can't get a photo from your desktop anymore, which is shame. I've got to send the photo to Picasa and then from there to Blogger. Not as convenient as before With Picasa it has to scan all your files and then you have to upload a photo to Picasa then search for the photo then login, it's a headache. Google: Not everyone has a cell phone.

The sad thing about doing this current political campaign we’re on is I didn’t jump on the band wagon earlier enough and we only have about 10 days remaining until the Provincial election.

If you go to Google Maps, you‘ll see the building I work in, it‘s on the corner of 106th and jasper Ave. The big gold building. Its called “The energy Square.” If your on the 106th side across from Boston Pizza you’ll notice a tailor/dry cleaning shop. I went into this business yesterday before work to see about getting a new zipper for a wind breaker my wife got me some years ago from “Value Village.” VV is a 2nd hand clothing store etc where we bought the wind breaker for maybe $5-10. I like it’s shell kind of texture but the zipper frayed on it a couple of years back and I could just only utilize these Velcro latches by the zipper but the Velcro would never hold. I asked them how much it would cost to replace or fix the zipper. I thought maybe $5-10. I was shocked: $35! 7 times what the original jacket cost. I might still get it done but I’m trying to save up for the Ipad and I got myself stuck into buying this RJS book. I could go in today and get the book, and my jacket fixed but I’d have to take out of the Ipad accessories. Anyway, that‘s about all for now.

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