Sunday, May 20, 2012

Not a bad

day of things today.

But I've got 2 days off one with pay. Victoria Day is my favorite summer holiday. If I would have worked last Monday like I originally wanted to, I would have 3 days off as well. My bad.

I get asked a lot about my politics. Am I right or left? Mainly I'm Centre. If anything I'm a separatist as I favour the West. That's BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. I morally support the Western Canadian Concept Party in principle but while living and working in Canada I must abide by it's Laws, always keeping in mind my ob. I get asked "Well, what about the oilsands and the Gateway Keystone pipeline, aren't they a hazard to the environment?" Hardly. Kinder/Morgan for example has been running oil/gas pipelines from Edmonton to BC for close to 60 years now and you don't hear anything bad about them. "What about oil tankers negotiating fjords and waterways in BC, what if there's another Exxon Valdez oil spill?" Good point. Norway has been successfully moving oil tankers to its markets through their waterways similar if not more treacherous then BC successfully for decades and we never hear anything from them like the Valdez disaster. "Well what about the First Nations peoples of BC, if they say the Gateway pipeline is bad for the environment then it must be right?" Some not all First Nations peoples have been given large grants from US environmental groups by the tens of millions of dollars. If that grant funding were to dry up then you wouldn't hear a peep out of them about this issue. For years Alberta has been paying have not provinces here in Canada billions of dollars every year in transfer payments. If that were to dry up then these provinces would be in deep trouble. "What about Alberta's contribution to Greenhouse gases (GHG's)?" This global warming debate is so stupid because the environmentalists are not taking into consideration water vapor water vapor accounts for 99.9% of all ghg's on the planet. Environmentalists ignore this because it contradicts their numbers. Water vapor overwhelms all other natural and man-made greenhouse contributions and I don't mean droplets. To see what I mean visit here: The whole debate on Global warming is political more then anything else or see this YouTube video:

Anne and I are going out to our brunch this afternoon as a result of that I'm going to be missing the LA/Phoenix game. I'll be able to see up to the end of the 2nd period as this could be an elimination game for Phoenix.

At Audrey's I bought book #10 of the Malazan series. I've got way to much fantasy and not enough science fiction. I've got a abundance of short SF on my iPad but not enough books. I haven’t read a lot of Ian M. Banks but his Culture Saga looks good. He's releasing a boxed set out in October and I might pick it up. But there is a lot of old SF I haven't been able to get into that I'd like to. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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