Monday, May 21, 2012

Victoria Day Monday

I love this time of year. A day off with pay and a full week ahead. This check wont be very big but next week‘s will. Weather wise out there, it’s +20 out there.

This summer I‘m going to get on the phone and call up Telus and find out how I can turn iPad into a hot spot. My iPad is great for music and games and internet and with the NBA/soccer crowd the Oiler games this next season will be a low priority. The other thing is when 2 of my colleagues sit on the other side of my cubicle to watch TV they‘re pretty loud and I rarely make sales when those two are on the other side of me. During the afternoon, fine or if there‘s no hockey. So this summer I‘m going to get the iTouch 8Gb just to add as a hot spot device so I can put it in my pocket to get the scores. When it‘s 5pm for the evening shift and there‘s hockey, I‘m moving to a more quieter part of the floor.

If you‘ve been watching Canadian National news, you might have seen the massive amounts of student protesting university tuition fees. Most people outside of Quebec here in Canada are aware that Quebec has the lowest university tuition fees in the country. These student protesters are an embarrassment to the rest of the country. Quebec has introduced new Laws that if students don’t inform the Police they are holding a protest then Police have the right to make arrests. Good. I hope they get criminal records for life and let them try and get a job with a criminal record, bunch of scumbags are what they are. They were even talking at one point how Quebec university students deserve free education, only because its through Alberta transfer payments that pays for what they have now.

This morning our Telus service was down for about half an hour including my 3G. Including my iPad tablet flex plan. It was a service wide shut down obviously.

One of the hottest products out on the market is the electric car. Early automobiles were electric as early as the late 1800‘s. But the development of the internal combustion engine in the 1920‘s made the electric car obsolete. Today the electric car such as the 2 passenger Reva and hybrid vehicles are gaining in popularity but the initial costs of these vehicles are so expensive not everyone can afford them. They still need to be charged up and that‘s going to cost as well. Abut half of our electricity comes from coal and coal is dirtier then Canada‘s so called “dirty oil.” There was a story in our local news how this character plugged his electric car into the jack at his apartment building and wondered why on his electric bill was up by 75%. I‘d rather take the LRT to work over an electric car any day. Anyway, time to watch some hockey.

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