Monday, January 14, 2013

Im enjoying my time off

although trying to get a good nights sleep lately has been  hard too come by but I did manage to get a good 6 hours of sleep when I turned in about 5am this morning, uggh.

The only down side of next week is the Oiler's opening season isn't televised and the day my wife and her sister are heading out for a all day outing (opening game day this Sunday) but there are 2 TSN games next week and a CBC Saturday night game. Wu-who, NHL hockey is back! 

During my sleep this morning a memory surfaced. I recall how it was about 1972 just before mom moved to Edmonton with Jeff & Mike. I should have joined them but stuck around wanting to strike out on my own. Anyway, I was really into SPI war games and I had a 2 year subscription to Strategy & Tactics magazine at the time in the early 1970's. SPI is now owned out of Decision games and still going strong and publishing,which is nice to see. I'm thinking about ordering some of their back issues. Moving along here, I recall in my quest for finding war game opponents at the time a fellow I contacted in Vancouver. At the time I believe mom was just packing to move that week. So with nothing better to do my war gaming opponent and I set up a time and place for a first meeting. I recall I had to take a bus to get there as he lived in the Wellington Heights area not far from East Hastings, which East Hastings had a negative reputation of sorts at that time. When I got to the guys place I was immediately impressed with his huge war game collection. I stayed way past transit shut down time but I didn't care. I recall walking home early that morning through episodes of sporadic rain showers. A voice called out to me as I was walking home. A hooker in a doorway saying hello. I think I actually stopped to reply but declined her invitation. I think I said something like "I'm broke" and she looked at the rain around her and mumbled something like, "It doesn't matter." No way I wasn't going to get into anything like that. It was a long walk home. I must have wandered in about 2-3am before crawling into bed. I never did hook up with that guy for a game. I didn't play that many SPI games after that as I ended up being a sort of a official squatter in those days after mom left for Edmonton. I was squatting at the abandoned Barnet Bible Institute shortly after this but that's another story.

Not much on my plate for this afternoon. We had a bit of snow earlier and it's warming up out there. This evening is Monday night Raw so that should be fun.

Other then that, I'm engrossed in reading Stardoc #3 but I'm taking a break from the series as I still need to order books #7-10 but after this I want to get into reading The 2nd Space Wolves Omnibus.

Speaking about Warhammer 40k goodness, in my Black Library newsletter, they are now releasing what's called "Digital Monday's." BL is releasing something every Monday. This is a cool concept. I'm still looking at subscribing to their "Hammer & Bolter" e magazine. Anyway, that's about all for now.


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