Friday, July 11, 2014

Actve weather was

not the obstacle on my commute home last night to drop off our other ride to Westmount. The rain even tapered off there a bit.Coming on the Yellowhead by 50th street we were met by heavy rain again. My ride had to go to the old Clareview shopping mall area where I was doing security guard work in 1999. My hand written diary talks about that. I got home about 9:30pm. It's nice getting that ride home.

Speaking about my hand copy diary, it's composed of about 280 lose leaf binder format "binders." It was supposed to be a "occult" diary but never really developed into that. Here's what 2 of them look like from the mid 1990's. Each one has about 2-35 pages. They are pretty much what I talk about here but they get more personal.The writing is about as banal as this.

The problem I have is what to do with them after I'm gone? It's a record of my life from 1980-2005. One of my other projects is to scan all of these page by page. I'm looking at about 7-8,000 pages over the years. I talk about my struggles surviving, the jobs I had and lost, the women I had encounters with my budgets, my cats. All kinds of things before and even during my lodge years. I was thinking about dumping them off onto my sister or even the OTO (not that I'm apart of it anymore) Both parties, wouldn't know what to do with it. Or I could scan them into ebooks but that's a huge project. I wish I could do bulk scanning. That'd be better. One page is about 500kb. It's not the space, it's just time consuming. The other problem is I can't really keep it in the family because I have no kids that I know of. I think my best option though is to scan the originals. I'd be looking at about 24-30 volumes. I'm doing a bit every now and then, but as I'm closing in on 65 I'm kind of worried as to what I'm going to do with the hard copies. I should look into an organization that collects diaries here in Canada. I did a brief search but couldn't find anything. The other thing I could do is to make hard copies of my diary and store all 24 volumes in our lodge library. Nobody ever goes up there anyway. or put the hard copies in a fireproof trunk. Army and Navy department store used to carry them years ago.

Anyway, I got a full day today and half a day tomorrow. I'm going to try and give Anne the bus pass and I'm going to get my Eagles book at Audrey's (the same book I've been trying to pick up for the last couple of weeks now.) I also want to take a photo of the old Sandy lane fire location Saturday before Audrey's. Anyway, that's all for now.

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