Saturday, July 26, 2014

Often people will ask me

why do I blog? Since I don't have any children to remember me by or any major achievement history will remember me by I feel a need to tell my story. Blogging lets me do this. I may be dead 10-20 years from now but I'm pretty confident Google and Blogger will still be around after that time. "But Jim, your blog will be like a needle in a haystack." Sure but its my needle in a haystack. Will this blog be around 25 years from now? I don't know. I hope so but in all honesty, I can't say. I hope it is, not just for me but for all those like me out there that have taken the time to post to blogger. 

Yesterday just before I left out of here it began raining and then as I was getting ready for my commute, it began to rain pretty heavily. Uh-oh. Then I realized, wait now I have that blue honcho rain gear in my bag. I packed everything, locked up and wearing my blue honcho, I braved the elements. My bag got wet and so did my feet but for the most part I was dry. When I got into the building my feet were soaked. I took my shoes off in the bathroom and and my drenched socks. I left my socks draped over my cubical and even before close out at 9pm they were still wet. See how they are when I pull into the office later. Note to self, always bring a dry pair of socks in a plastic bag next time it rains like this. The rain didn't let up until my commute home. Next week the weather forecast is calling for +25 + days as we close out of July. 

Today I'm about ready to clean up and in a hour I'll be on the road and out of here in 45 minutes. We'll get our breakfast at McDonald's and start at 9:30 and after a 15 minute break (not this 10 minute break shit) After work I'm getting the bus to wem and the #100 Express bus to the lrt downtown and then home to Clareview to meet Anne. Then I got to go into Superstore to get some pop and then home for my weeknd. Anyway, that's all for now. 

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