Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Everybody has seen them and lots of

people have them. I'm talking about tattoos. Tattoos have been around since Neolithic times. I don't have a problem with tattoos on men. Women with tattoos look ugly and there's nothing that turns me off more then a pretty woman and she has a tattoo, uggh. Women wearing tattoos is a feminist thing, I get that but sorry ladies. It doesn't do anything for me. I find tattoos gross on women. During the 70's, 80's possibly as late as the 1990's even,not many women wore tattoos. It was only recently did women begin to wear them. Now children even wear them and I think they wear them as a symbol of "I have a tattoo, look how tough I am. You want to bully me?" Type thing. I wouldn't wear a tattoo because I'm diabetic. Tattoos, don't like them.

I'm not much into video games but when I get my iMac this year, I'm going to get Diablo 3. I like games like this I bought the "original" Diablo Spawn, I think 1998, something like that. I "lost" my little DS I bought last April but that's another story. When i get my iMac, Diablo 3 is going to be one of the first video games I'm buying. 

Normally the 1st weekend in August is a stat holiday but it's either in lieu of something. Its mostly a holiday for civic and bank employees. Imagine my surprise when I learned that we're taking this stat holiday off I get Saturday August 2nd, 3rd & 4th off but not with pay.     

My usual commute goes something like this: Catch a bus to Clareview, the lrt to Campus station. From there take the #4 to wem and from there the #137 after about a 40 minute wait between Campus and wem. That's 4 buses and trains. I asked the driver of the #137 if he just goes between wem and Northgate. That's all. So I thought maybe if I get a bus to Northgate and the #137, I avoid a crowded lrt to Campus and cut out 2 buses to work. So, today, its a bus to Clareview and I'm stopping off at Clareview (just for today) to get my proline cfl picks. Then a Northgate bus to get the #137 and into work. Sweet. Anyway, that's all for now.

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