Thursday, July 10, 2014

When I'm at Campus

station on my afternoon commute waiting for that #4, I need to be there ready to board because there's about half a doz people ready to board ahead of me and behind me. That bus at 1:45pm to wem is loaded. From wem to the job is ok and from Clareview to Campus is ok. It's just that link from Campus to wem that's crowded. I get a ride home, so I avoid that headache.

I didn't sleep very well over night and I think having that 7pm coffee last night had something to do with it. 

This afternoon I'm trying to figure out my CFL weekend picks. There's 2 games Friday and Saturday. It's a stupid schedule because there's no Sunday games. I'm only picking 3 games. First up Friday night is Winnipeg at winless Montreal. That's a tough call. The Al's need to show up especially at home. Winnipeg is strong. The RB's are coming to town facing the Esks and they're a strong team. I can see 2 tie games there and the Saturday game is Calgary/Argo's. That's a "sure" Argo win. Nothing is "sure" in sports betting.

We don't have voice mail so we enjoy the call history feature on our TV. As soon as the phone rings we see the # flash on the upper left hand corner of our TV. I was away from my phone just now when composing this and a call came in from New York. I don't know anyone in New York. I get these email junk notices from some weird name saying something like, "I tried to call you, I hope your ok.." type thing. Scamers. I answer the phone and its silent on the other end. Or we get these weird numbers from India saying we have problems our internet connection or computer. My response is. I don't have a computer. They hang up right away. I'm almost at the point where I don't want a home computer other then to do music production. I don't need to be online for that. I can get everything done from a smartphone. 

In about an hour I'll be making my CFL weekend picks at the Redi mart. I have about a 15 minute wait for my #4 at 
Campus to read more of my Horus Heresy book and in at the job from 3-9. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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