Thursday, July 31, 2014

A quick glance at this mornings

  # Twitter feed, the casual observer will go, wtf? +25 at 12:30am? Here in Edmonton? Yes, it's true. Surprisingly if with temps like this and yesterday, I slept very well with the fan on last night. Our AC crashed on us but we're coping ok with just the fan on.

I'm going to start saving for my iMac when my other job resumes from its "summer break." Next weekend however, I'm going to be getting the the Yamaha MX49 midi keyboard and the Samson Go mic for my Maschine. What I like about this keyboard is it can act as a controller surface and has a built in audio interface and has 1000 Roland motif sounds. The Go mic can be scanned wight into Maschine After I get this account paid up, I'm getting either the m-audio trigger finger pro or Maschine studio.

My daily journal began back in may 1980 and I'll blog until I cant. But the hard copies of my diary remain and I'm wondering what to do with them and my books. Then it dawned on me; if I bought a nice glass case maybe the lodge will let me put them in the library. At the moment I'm scanning my diary as it's a ongoing process. The hard copies of my diary stopped September 2005 as I moved everything onto my computer. I'm thinking about uploading them as jpeg files to Google pw. Unfortunately even the hard copies wont last forever even in specially treated acid free comic bags. My original diary from 1980 is still in good shape. So if I put them in mylar bags, they might last beyond 75 years, maybe. but it's something to think about. 

Update: For the benefit of fam and friends about 5am this morning I started getting the shakes.Its what happens when my diabetes blood sugars get way to low. I tested my blood sugar after I took some some chocolate paste and even then it was 5.6. Anne made me a fried egg sandwich and that helped a lot. A reading of 5.5 is steady and normal for non diabetics. Fast Forward 5.5 hours later my sugars are 13.5. I'd rather they be around 6-9 in that area. When I get on metformin   

So will the NFL Buffalo Bills ever come to Canada? It's hard to say but it's an interesting story and the top runner buyers have Bon Jovi in their court. If it's going to happen, I think it's going to be 2-3 years away. Speaking about football, I managed to get my cfl picks yesterday morning. If all three come in I get about $17 and some change. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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