Monday, July 27, 2015

For the most part I accomplished

what I wanted to do Sunday, reading and answering email, YouTube, that kind of thing.

When Anne left to do her shopping I called Dave but the answering machine took over. I left a vm. No sooner had Anne returned the phone rang and it was Dave returning my call. He was happy to hear from me, like wise. Dave mentioned how he was at my fathers wake in 1996 at the Legion and tried looking for me but mom had told him I couldn't make it I filled in the gaps saying that I was on welfare at the time and resources were thin. Dave told me his father past away 2 years before mine. We briefly talked about people we knew some events and about what I'm doing now. About 10 minutes into the conversation, Anne thinking it was the Masons, she was tearing into me about brunch and I can call them back and on and on being terribly rude. I politely told Dave I'd call back Monday. He said he gets off work at 2pm. I had to explain to Anne that Dave was my best friend growing up in the 1960's etc. We lost touch with each other and we hadn't seen each other since 1991. She felt bad about that. He said he's off work at 2pm tomorrow and I'll call him then. I will.

I've got problems with my wifi and my laptop and I think its because the pw was changed. Anyway, that's all for now.

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