Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Getting off at 8:30 last night was good and I made all my connections and as a result of all that I was able to get

home in under an hour. And I wasn't pushing it as it was, wow. Even when working downtown near Corona station it would still take me an hour from the time I left the building to wait after just missing the train for about 10 minutes. It takes  me about an hour to get there and an hour to get back.

Speaking of which just as I got off the bus about 9:30 just out here across from us, traffic was idling at a red light. There was nothing coming and people were slightly ahead of me. I had my head phones on, my shades and the music playing loud "The Clash." I was in no dire straits to get home but others were on the marked cross walk. The cross signal was flashing red not white. Without conscious effort I proceeded to cross and whipping out of traffic was a B&W one of those not quite SUV type vehicles but kind of a boxy looking cop car just shot out cutting me off leaving traffic and a stunned me in its wake. I just about got hit by a speeding cop car out to catch a speeder. Sure I was in the wrong but that could have been at anytime. What if the cross walk was in my favour and I got hit and Anne gets a devastating phone call? Or it could have been a senior with a walker. If I was caught by a accompanied cop car I could have been pulled over and charged for J-walking and most likely "obstructing justice." Or if I did get hit and killed they might have charged Anne as an accomplice. I have a lot of respect for city Police as much as the anyone but that was a little over zealous of the cop to catch a speeder to make quota. The light was changing anyway as traffic my way would have let me cross. It was a bit of a scary few seconds there and one that gave me pause.

I'm just about ready to check on some email and to head out of here for my commute. I only need to cross one street on my way in and that's 107th & Jasper. Anyway were going to get a +28 today and 5 days of that and a couple of 30's in there as well. I'm off again at 8:30 tonight. She's going to be a warm commute on the way home. Anyway, that's all for now.

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