Saturday, July 25, 2015

Over the past few days I've been busy

around here what with X-rays and blood tests. I thought fasting was no food but apparently it meant no drink as well, so they turned me away at the X-ray because I had a coffee from McDonald's in my hand. I got to go back next Tuesday, yeesh. 

I grew up in Coquitlam is a very active face book group and very special to me. I've been on it for a few years now. I got a lot of information, first hand knowledge of events that relate to my past. It helped me with some closure etc. Also, my siblings and family that I haven't seen for years are on Face Book (FB) and its fun connecting with them. A lot of the activity on this group are people asking similar questions, "Does anyone remember so and so?" I posted a few names of people I grew up with and liked but life being what it is people lose touch over the years. Those posts went largely ignored because they were not stand alone posts but were embedded in replies. The other day I thought I'd post names on FB of old friends I grew up with in the 1960's and a few under its own post: "Does anyone remember so and so?" Dave and Bob were two of the names I had on that list. I was getting nibbles. One poster knew Bob and it was the same Bob by association of other events that confirmed this. I had his last name miss spelled which is why he never came up in a FB name search. I sent Bob a FB pm containing my email and as far as I know I got no nibbles back from him, yet. We weren't really that close. One poster knew Dave as her ex husband actually works with him. Unfortunately Dave is not on FB. After a few replies back and fourth she sent me a pm containing Dave's phone number. Before I left for work yesterday thanking her so much, I said I'd try the number on Sunday after Anne went out for shopping. I'd have time alone by myself to make phone calls. When I got back from work last night, the group member did me one better on my behalf she called Dave on that phone # (I haven't seen Dave since 1991 almost 25 years ago) Dave told her that it would be great hearing from me again. I replied back to her thanking her profusely. That's the power of social media.

Yesterday I got some ei cash from what I set up on Tuesday and my pay last night got me a decent amount towards bills etc. I was happy about that. Anne was to. So now I'm able to go to the bbq today feeling good. The only two snags this week was the x-ray and I got written up at work quite severely. The project is only for a few days but the supervisor said he'd be calling me Monday or Tuesday for the next project and said see you next week. I'll try and take a few pictures of the bbq and post them here. Anyway that's all for now.

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