Sunday, July 5, 2015

I took the 10 minute video test

from my camera. A slight problem: What the camera "is saying" is that it can't share more then 20 seconds of video. Because the video is on a micro sd card, I need some kind of micro sd card holder the size of a regular sd memory card. The micro sd card just slides in. I can manage the card from there. I'll get one from Best buy across the street. Also, I want to do a video test with my iPod. The only thing with Apple video is that the quality isn't that great and I get the 2 black bars cutting off the video. But lets see what we get.

When I first went to school I was 7 years old. I began a year later then my siblings because we were moving house that year I think it was 1959 when I went to Mountain View in Coquitlam. I went to 7 different schools from grade 1-12. My last school year was 1970 at Centennial sc secondary. Tomorrow while I have a day off, I'm calling the student records and ask if I could get a copy of my transcripts, even if they are still available. They were at one time when I went to do this a few years ago. I won't be able to do all of this in one call I'm sure but lets see what happens.

At the same time while going down memory lane here today, I went through all the different companies/jobs that I had since my first job with Burger Chef in 1970. I was 18. I didn't get to work when I was a teenage because of my back operation in 1968. I was laid up that year and most of 1969 wearing a body cast. I went through my memory bank and put jobs to years. The jobs where I stayed at for more then 1 year were included. I stayed at Army & Navy here in Edmonton during most of the 1980's and Xentel from 2000-2012 until they closed the Edmonton office and others. I'd still be working there now if they hadn't closed the office. I had went through 28 different jobs. I lot of these were temporary recession jobs or in between jobs if the main job like at the last market research job I had they would break for the summer. I had 3 jobs last summer that didn't pan out before I was called back to the market research job. Residence wise, it gets about the same, 28 locations. 

I have today and tomorrow remaining of my 3 days off here. Other then Anne fighting with me, it's been good. later today I might watch that Argo CFL game, anyway, that's all for now.

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