Tuesday, October 6, 2015

It seems lately that this week is something like

this: Out of bed about 11:45am, power on computer, get coffee ready, feed cats, check email, check Downtown arena webcam, put blog post together, put entre in microwave, shave, reheat dinner, shower, get dinner, watch some sports stuff, get dressed, pack my stuff for work and I'm out the door for my 2pm commute. I get a chance to read (if the weather is nice), in the office by 3:30pm get a coffee chat with some of the staff (any briefing?) log in ready to work, have break about 7pm, work until 9:20pm, log out and fill time sheet on the screen. If I'm lucky I get that early #5 bus other wise I don't get the #11 train home at 10pm. Bus to Corona station, wait, Clareview station by 10pm pending above I wait for the next bus check my email on open city wifi. Here comes my #11, home sort myself out, fire up computer. Wait for Anne to come home check email sports scores etc. Watch news at 11. Anne makes light dinner. From there I have a couple of hours to check my YouTube subscriptions and do other stuff on the computer, pamper my wife a bit. Around this time its 3am and I'm ready for bed. I'll listen to a bit of Coast on the radio and pass up. Now, take all of that and rinse and repeat Monday to Friday. Monday is slightly different because we like to watch Monday night Raw. Saturday (when they have a Saturday shift) its 10-6pm and I'm home about 7pm (if I make the connection) other wise its 7:30pm. My evening is mine and I'll fire up the pc and then cozy up on the couch. Maybe Anne has a plate I can heat up of something. Lodge is just once a month unless I can get a rare Saturday off and go to Commercial lodge. Sunday is my day to relax unless they have a Sunday shift then like this week, I'll have Thursday off and very other Friday I go to the bank.

Since its Thanksgiving half of my 2 days off is between a cut off day. So my stat pay wont be until the middle of the month.The above is a typical week. When I want to get a Proline ticket I just go to the kiosk at Clareview Redimart. So, that's about it basically. I don't travel, except within the city. if I need something on the way to work, I'll pop into the dollar $tore across the street and walk down to Clareview station. I've got to do that today to get some handi wipes for my work monitor. So in the future when I say its a rinse and repeat kind of a week, the reader will know at a glance what kind of a week I'm having. Lord I'm looking forward to pension. Anyway that's about all for now.

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