Monday, October 5, 2015

Our so called

transportation department decided to shut the Capital line down from Clareview to Corona station from 9am-noon. This is not uncommon. ETS put replacement buses instead of the off line lrt. In the meantime one of the biggest events of the city was getting ready for the "Run for the Cure" breast cancer. It took me ten minutes to get out of the downtown cor. I wasn't late or anything but why ETS could not have done this 3 hour job from 4-7 am? Not that I have any interest in the above mentioned event, but its just another one of those events the city knew about, but thought their work was more important. It was no hardship for me as I was out there at 820am yesterday. It took me an hour and a half to to get from Clareview to 124th street and 107th Ave. 

Leaving yesterday at 6pm there was my #5 bus heading downtown. A colleague and I had to wait half an hour for the next #5. Fortunately for me he had a cell phone and he placed a call for me to Anne. I said I was on my way. I got to Clareview at 7:15pm. I called Anne and said she was just starting brunch. I didn't get into the door until about 7:40pm.

Back in 2007 our transportation department spent 3 years before that to investigate a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) model. That "study" and the dollars attached to that was axed. The City at the time thought they'd have to remove some houses and businesses along some routes and didn't think it was ost effective at the time. Fast forward to 2015 city council is now re opening the BRT option. By the time the city has a BRT to the West end for example, that portion of the Valley line will be operational and tens of thousands of more dollars spent and wasted. I'm not saying a BRT is a bad idea I'd love a 1 stop bus from here to downtown. I'd take that over the lrt any day. I'd just like to see the city do something instead of study after study.

I'm leaving out of here again for work in about a hour. The only thing I've got on my agenda this week is work and a day off on Thursday to watch the Oiler's season opener. I get 2 days off over Thanksgiving weekend. Anyway, that's all for now.

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