Wednesday, December 30, 2015

At first I thought I had a stroke

At first I thought I had a stroke overnight or something, when I heard what sounded like a vacuum cleaner that started for a few minutes and then idled down. This woke me up about 9:30am. Anne has yet to hear it because when she's in bed, she's oblivious to anything around her with those ear plugs of hers. Then within the brief minute or so since above the sound was coming right above me. The people upstairs are doing something. The noise would start and then peter off and then ramp down. That can't be a vacuum because that was over 3 hours ago. Is there a contractor in the building that management never informed us about? I'll let it go for now but if this keeps going on after 5pm, I'll be paying a visit to management.

Even though I haven't played Advanced Squad Leader (asl) in years, I've been following the development of the hobby. Asl has always been one of my favorite board games. If your thinking this is like another Risk or a party game, your sadly mistaken. The learning curve is quite high. The time and money that goes along with it is substantial. There is a element of luck involved as it uses dice and colorful cardboard counters. I've seen asl go from Avlon Hill (ah) to Multi man Publications (mmp) over the years. Since mmp they've been adding new modules on a consistent basis. Asl focuses on World War 2. Since the 2nd reboot of asl in 1985, I've always wondered if the games would ever step out of ww2. 

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So many possibilities, like Vietnam, middle east and even Korea. So, to my surprise in my email yesterday mmp announced "The Forgotten war." Mmp is taking pre orders. Out of all the 26 asl modules I have12. Some are out of print. I'm sure in some of my many moving house over the years I've lost some pieces. Since mmp took over ah I have yet to buy one of their products. There's not a lot of places that sell wargames anymore in town. Warp one might. I've never seen any wargames at Happy Harbor. Mission fun and games might sell them. The official release of The Forgotten War wont be until 2016. There is a computer version of ASL and one of my YouTube subs has had a whole series on the topic. It looks interesting but as usual my computer is slow. I could see mmp making a iPad asl app. The hobby is almost screaming for an app. Most likely I'll try the software version of asl when I get my iMac in the near future. Anne has all my games boxed up on the closet. If your interested playing asl at the bottom of the wiki page link there is a Google maps directory location of players world wide. Asl is mostly a male orientated hobby. I've never seen any females play the game. You can learn more about ASL here.  

In wrapping up, I'm just wondering if this is some kind of un supervised children's toy going on upstairs? Can't kids get a quite hobby like Leggo or asl? What ever the drone like noise is, it just started today. Did they get one of those aerial drones for Christmas and are trying it out inside? I'll get to the bottom of this eventually. Anyway, that's all for now.

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