Sunday, December 13, 2015

I'm usually good for the day if I'm working

on 5-6 hours of sleep. I can get by ok. Saturday morning I was operating on less for a 8 hour day, and still holding out sort of. Today I got maybe 6. I'm good to go.

So what happens when the price of oil bottoms out and crashes completely? What's next? In the case of oil rich Alberta, what's our back up source of energy? Is it solar? Or maybe geothermal? Alberta is sitting on top of a geothermal goldmine. Geothermal energy taps into hot water very deep underground that produces steam, which can power turbines etc. The water gets sent back to its source and the process begins again. At the moment its very expensive to get to the source. We have the infrastructure and the capability, but as long as oil seems to be the status quo, the world will rely on oil. We're a long ways away from using geothermal. With the signing of every nation on planet earth yesterday to come to a agreement on global warming, we could be a step closer to using geothermal energy. It wont happen in my lifetime but the future for geothermal here in Alberta looks promising.   

Friday December 18th is the release of the new Star Wars "The Force awakens" movie. I'm not going to go out of my way to see this one. I'm just not feeling it. We'll wait when it comes to video on demand or we'll see it at the dollar theatre in the fall of 2016. I just hope that Disney doesn't dumb this movie down to a young adult type of film like "Hunger games," that sort of thing. That'd be a real turn off for me but from what I'm sensing it seems this new movie was not produced to appeal to 63 year old white guys remember the good old days. The first 2 Star Wars movies in the original series meant something to me but when the 3rd movie came with the "Ewoks" that really soured me on the whole Star Wars movie experience after that. I was in my mid to late 20's back then. After "Empire" I was burnt out from Star Wars. I still went to see the 3 movies after Jedi, and they were enjoyable but still had that young adult after taste. When "The Force Awakens" trailers came out, the plot of this movie became apparent, and overall very similar to the original Star Wars format of Campbell's "Hero's journey." No new story telling ground broken here.

Today, I'm into the office for my shift but we're about to wrap up the project early. I could be in for 3 hours. Hopefully I'll get at least 4. Yesterday when I left out of here at 9am and caught a #5 at Central I was in the office at 9:45am. That's pretty good on a weekend. I got a full 8 hour shift in and I did my banking after that and home shortly after 7pm. The weather was relatively mild overcast and breezy last night on my commute home. It wasn't too cold. Most likely I'll update this blog when I come home and fine tune it a bit more. Anyway, that's all for now.

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