Wednesday, December 9, 2015

During the last big economic slowdown

of 2009, oil prices bottomed out at $33. Our household got through that crisis unscathed. Now oil is at about $37.14. Is the threshold $33? Oil prices could hover around this price for months, who knows? When oil prices drop our local economy suffers. On my commute I pass by Hope Mission every day and there's usually a huge line up around supper time. I'm hoping oil prices rebound soon but I'm not holding my breath they will.

A US politician running for the GOP nomination (we know who his name is as he's a real card.) is causing a world wide stir by saying the US should ban all Muslims from entering the country. WTF? Talk about being unhinged. He was suggesting that all Mosqu's be shut down! That is one of the most nut case things I have ever heard. Even members of the Republican party are saying this guy is out to lunch. Even members of his own party are giving their heads a shake. These kinds of comments are going to back fire on him big time.

Lately I've been leaving out of here shortly before 3pm. I take the East escalator at central station, up 2 quick flights of stairs and I'm at street level meeting the #5 or #3 bus. Either will take me to my destination, within 15 minutes of my shift. Its slick and easy and at night, I'm in no hurry to get to my bus as I usually get home within an hour. If I have the early job, I get home at about 9:30pm. If its the late job I get home at 10:30pm. I need to call the super at my late job to see if I'm going in for a few days Thursday or Friday. Or is the job over today. If that's the case and its the last day on the late job, I can put more hours in on the early job. Anyway, that's all for now.

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