Wednesday, January 13, 2016

First it was losing David Bowie

and I thought I'd more or less get over that. I left out of here yesterday about 1:40pm, ready to go see my Doctor. I went to this little Alberta Government office on the main floor right under my Doctors office. All they do there is process the Provincial supplement. I went to my appointment and got taken in right away. There was some waiting but not much. The appointment was just generic and had nothing to do with my insulin at all. I got some blood pressure pills and some scalp medication then on my way to work. It was a beautiful day. Work went well and I was happy to leave out of there for home. My colleague is going in for work at the other job today and will give me a progress report Thursday. if it looks good, I'll apply. So I'm coming home checking the Oiler/Arizona game and home. The first thing Anne asks me was about our Siamese cat Sporty. Something is wrong and she thinks he's had a stroke.
I checked in on him and he was on the floor in my office gnawing on this plastic Tupperware thing, whaling away flopping like a wounded seal. I knew something was up. His breathing was labored. Anne was in tears. We knew he had to be put down. I stayed with him while Anne was calling for a cab. They were gone. About an hour later I got a call from Anne saying the Doctor said he was in a diabetic shock. That's a death sentence. When Anne came home alone, with a empty cat cage, she was in tears. She had no choice but to put Sporty down. She nick named him Mam-a-lam. Sporty would follow me all over the apartment. That;s 2 losses in two days. My heart broken again. I'll have a photo of Sporty in here soon. Sporty is cat on the left of the above photo. Anyway, that's all for now.

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