Friday, February 14, 2014

I think next month I'm going to get the

i5 pc after all. It's faster then a AMD not by much though. I've always had AMD processors in the past and they work ok but I'm going to try the i5. It's about $50 more for the money then the A8. 

But I've got to pay my Lodge dues first before I get the pc and I'm at least month or two away after that. If I get days, then ok.

I left out of here for Londonderry mall about 4pm yesterday afternoon and 15 minutes later I was in the mall looking for Coles. They had one small book case of Western's but no "Eagles" books. The girl there had one not on the shelf of books to be placed and I bought it to me anyway. I was seriously thinking about the Louis L`Amor books but they were small, under 200 pages and for $7.99, purchasing 1 is hardly worth it. Next time, I'll buy 2 of them at a time but maybe from Audrey's. I found the food court and ordered a Taco Time burrito combo. Now to find Albert's. It's like a Smitty's and beside Albert's is Bud's lounge. I sat up to the bar and ordered a Molson Dry and read my Horus Rising book having a good time. I also watched a bit of Olympic mens hockey. I left shortly before 6pm and was told that Sport Check a store that's been there for awhile pulled out but a new tenant is slated to move in soon. I walked out the North side entrance beisde the old Sport Check location across the empty snow/ice parking lot. Both the #182 and #11 behind it pulled up and if it wasn't for a rider using the wheel chair ramp, I would have missed it. I got out of the bus beside my place and once inside began to watch Impact Wrestling.

I had a good night and Anne called from her break and then I got a iPsos Reid call wanting to do a survey. I was ready go ahead but I didn't qualify because I do market research. I enjoyed wrestling until I got a call from my office saying that the boss wanted me to come into the from 3-9 instead of 5-9. It'll give me some extra hours. I've got 2 days off after Saturday and most likely I'm 5-9 after that. And that's good. .

Anne found her copy of our 1997 lease and it clearly states that unless we have special written permission no washer's/dryers in our suite are allowed. So we're going to try and negotiate to keep them as they are mostly furniture but if we can keep one, Anne said she would prefer to keep the washer at least. The dishwasher, we can take to the dump, she's not happy but ok with that. It's a compromise. Anyway, that's all for now.

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