Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I was at Tim's about 4:20 pm yesterday

so I had a bit of time to get a Tim's decaf and read up on some JFK assassination research.

The more I study the case the more I'm leaning to a conspiracy. I still think Oswald fired some of the shots but they all missed! Shot #1 hit the curb near bystander James Tague. Shot #2 hit the manhole cover left of the limo. Then there's the smoking gun shot, FMJ round fired by accident in the followup car. Then there's the fatal shot fired from the Dal-Tex building. Many witnesses said they heard 4 shots. Oswald fired 2 shots because there was a round still in left in his MC chamber. These rounds were non military issue. Only ce399 was a FMJ military round. That was the so called "magic bullet." Only a FMJ round could come out the way it did.

My shift at work yesterday was ok. I think I got 6 completions. I got home shortly before Monday night Raw. What a show and that's where I am now and after the show ended.

Anne scheduled the "junk to the landfill" guy to come by and pick up the appliances for 7:30-8pm tonight. I hope when I come home, the dishwasher will be gone. I'll rest easy after the "inspectors" give us the green light Thursday. 

I'm thinking Saturday after work, just to unwind is to take $20 with me to Century casino by Belvedere station, have a beer and play the penny slots for a couple of hours. I never could before because my wife would always like to call me but that was when she had a half hour break. She gets 10 minutes ans says she doesn't have enough time to call me. Its just a chance to unwind a bit. I'd only go a couple times/month. if I can cash out ahead, all the better. I've never been in a casino before. 

I got a busy week next week what with our lodge EC meeting Sunday then I have a Doctors appointment Wednesday and my Lodge meeting Thursday and I'm going to try and follow the NHL free agency trade March 5th. Anyway, that's all for now.

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