Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My day yesterday was decent enough

as I had a good start to the shift. About 3pm we were asked if we'd like to go home at 5pm. It's complicated but I'm in 9-5 for today, as far as I know.

Four chapters into Warhammer 40K "Horus Rising" and I'm enjoying this book. It's not as action packed as the "Space Wolf 2nd Omnibus." It's still a good story so far.

Despite my JW having some health issues preventing him from attending Thursday night, he said he'd have his wife drop off the bar. Plan B is to have our previous JW use his Costco card and get some deli lasagna and in this emergency sub for our current JW. That's if I can reach him before tomorrow night. I can't just call my IPM's 2 days before: "Hey can I get you to take this chair for the meeting?" Response: "I've got some stuff going on Jim, sorry but I can't make it etc." Human nature, if you give people an out, they'll take it. If worse comes to worse, I'll order a couple of pizzas and we'll have pop, coffee and or juice. Almost every Lodge faces hurdles like this.

My wife had to postpone her Doctors appointment yesterday for today. Mainly because of inspectors coming into the premises doing a "inspections." They're saying she can't have the dishwasher. Something to do with water mains and pipes or something. What? We've had the dishwasher here for 16 years. The dishwasher hooks up to the kitchen sink tap and water comes from there for the dishwasher. As far as I know there was nothing in the original lease saying she couldn't have a dishwasher. Now they're saying its an issue? So Anne had to postpone her appointment for that.

Other then that I have a day off tomorrow and I'm looking forward to that. It's like having a Saturday night in the middle of the week. Anyway, that's all for today.

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