Saturday, June 18, 2011

It was raining

pretty heavily on my way out this morning waiting for my bus. I paid to board ($2.85) leaving Anne with the pass because she had some shopping to do before hand. I bought a Tim’s but their oven was down but the sandwich was still warm even though I had to heat up the hash browns in the microwave. It was a disappointing breakfast but it was ok to take my insulin with. The first half of my shift went by fast. I think we had half of our crew missing. Normally we have maybe 35 people working on a Saturday. I’ll have to collect the $20 he owes me on Tuesday. Super usually comes around with a clipboard in hand asking who wants to remain for the extra 2 hours but that didn’t happen. I was glad 2pm rolled around. Apparently I also earned a bonus. Super didn’t know how much but it’ll be posted Monday.

After work with a break in the rain I went over to Audrey’s and bought the last in the Star Wars trilogy “Coruscant Nights”. I wanted to go out for a bite to eat but I didn’t want a burger because Anne will be making me one tonight when she gets home. I went over to Burger Baron for an order of fries. “Mayfair Place” or what ever it’s going to be called on 109th and Jasper is starting to shape up as it looks like about 6 stories are up with the crane in the middle. If I decide to go over next weekend to Audrey’s I’ll take a picture. The fries were good and I took the stairs down to the lower concourse to catch the train but I called Anne saying I was coming home. About Bay Station I realized I didn’t a bus pass nor transfer/proof of payment. I had a feeling the ticket police were out there. Sure enough at Central their they were collecting around one guy writing him out a ticket. At Stadium I got out of the train and decided I’d better find a ticket machine. I went to the lower concourse under the platform and got my money only too find the coin slot inside was jammed. WTF? And that’s both machines. Some guy came up to use bills and I said these things wont take coins. Oh well. I went upstairs and waited for the train looking for the ticket police to avoid them. They were no where in sight at Rexall. I was ready to get out at Belvedere looking for them. I think I was going to be home free. I got to Clairview and made it. Close call.
On the Clairview train platform I looked around for Anne but couldn’t find her at 3:15pm. I paid for my fair boarding the #11 bus that just pulled in but no Anne. I got a transfer just out of habit. I spotted her walking towards the transit station and met her half way for a chat as she was heading off to work where she is now.

I was relaxing watching a bit of the golf US Open kind of dozing off here and there, watching Garcia, Yang, McIlroy going at it. I think this McIlroy fellow is the next Tiger Woods but without all of the off topic controversy.

I’m not sure what’s on my plate this weekend but I‘d like to work Monday-next Saturday and next Saturday feel good about putting 44 hours in. Maybe 46 if they are running the extra 2 hours. What I have now and what‘s in my bank will give me enough cash to get FL Studio X Signature edition. But it won‘t be for the weekend and most likely I‘ll have to work Saturday to get paid for Friday but it‘s only for 4 hours and then I can go on m y way home and pick it up and Saturday night have some fun. Anyway, that's all for now.

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