Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Not a lot going on

around here.

I put in a full 8 hours on the job, doing semies. Uggh. I got home to route my Ethernet cable before booting up Ubuntu and got the browser to work. I downloaded Rosegarden but haven't had the time to play around with it yet.

Canada post has yet to obey the Federal back-to-work order but it should be passed into Law by Thursday. I don't have any problem with Unions striking but when it's an essential service, then I draw the line. The way the "opposition" is carrying on you'd make it think that Union Workers are the only people working in this country when in fact they are a minority. As of 2007 according to Wikipedia, Canada Post has 72,000 workers making an average of $27/hour. Meanwhile many times more people in this country could lose their jobs (including me) if the mail doesn't start flowing soon. Funny though the NDP didn't do much if anything when Air Canada went on strike.

Tonight (Tuesday) Coast has another lame show on-skin cancer and diet. Boring. though last nights show was on Space news. So Coast can be forgiven for their lousy show tonight.

SF Signal in their "Mind Meld" department is asking "What cultures has been neglected as inspiration in Science Fiction and Fantasy?" Good question. I never really gave this much thought. Some on the SF Signal panel are suggesting India is often overlooked. I'd even suggest some micro cultures such as cults are largely ignored. I wouldn't call them a cult but when was the last time Scientology was mentioned in SFF other then L Ron Hubbard? Or how about Amway, Christianity? There are other examples like Freemasonry just to name a few. These groups don't have to be mentioned by name but they provide fertile ground for the SFF genre. Some risk bordering on the line of fanfic and conspiracy theories.

SF Signal also mentions the Stoker award. Now I've never been a fan of the Vampire craze that's been all the rage lately. Everywhere you look there's enough Vampires in this gene. Way to many but I got to give respect where it's do. My favorite vampire of all time wold have to be Barnabous Collins from Dark Shadows and of course from SCTV's Count Floyd. Valley scalley kids.

I've been wanting to play Heroclick for sometime now and over there at Happy Harbour comics they are hosting a Heroclick tournament and run Heroclick Friday game nights at the downtown store. Hopefully I'll be back at work business before to long. James thinks somewhere around the middle of July. Works good for me. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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