Sunday, June 26, 2011

Its just after midnight and I got

2 days off.

Today it being Sunday I'm taking my wife out to Rickies downtown for our Sunday brucn at 3pm. They serve up some nice breakfast dishes but we always have our 3 sausages 2 eggs toast and hash browns with coffee. Also, on our way home, I want to check in at The Source to see their Kindle. I'm not going to buy it.

On the immediate horrizon this Summer, I'm looking at getting the recent Sony gaming handheld NGP (Next generation Portable) and apparently it's supposed to run on 3g. Now that's cool. I don;t know when Sony plans on releasing the NGP but my guess will be around the Christmas holidays. Super went and brought his Ipad2 into work yesterday and I had a chance to play around with it for a bit. My first hands on experience with this device and I like it. I really don't see myself buying one of these though. I mean where or the time to use it? During the week, when I work I have a 10 minute break at 2:30pm and half an hour to eat lunch at 4:30pm and a 10 minute break at 7pm. I;m out by 9pm home by 10pm. Any free time I have, I'd rather read a book. I also have my commute time but I don't need a computer that badly 24/7 I can see having the NGP device because I can listen to Oiler games on Ched raiso to catch the scores type thing and on my commute I can play games. I was also thinking about getting the Ntendo 3DS after I get Cubase 6 but I can see using the NGP and If I have the money, I'll pick one up over the Christmas holidays.
I can see getting the Kindle but that's latter on in the year. I'm in no hurry. 

Whats this? A cloaking device that can shield objects from sound? Cool. There's all kinds of neat things going on in sience.

This is what I love about Blogger over my website: I can hang around for a long time and Blogger unlike my website doesn't "Time out " on me.

I think tonight I'm going to have a nice cold beer. It's in the fridge now and a beer always helps me sleep. I don;t want a pill when I wake up at 1pm and feeling groggy as Anne and I are going out to breakfast.

On the news while having my dinner there was a story about how Nasa is trying to deal with Space junk out there in orbit. There is something like 600,000 objects ranging from the size of a paint chip to larger pieces the size of a car engine floating around up there. I wonder how much of that debris is interfereing with ground based astronomy?

I got a 6/49 ticket Friday afternoon and I checked on my numbers. I got 4, 23 and they pulled 48 and I picked 47. I was 1 number away from $10! Oh so close. 

Cubase 5 is a cool program but for some reason the "version" I have doesnt have "Loopmash." Its a step kind of stutter loop program much like dbglitch. This will keep me busy until I get Cubase 6. I'm 4 weeks away from getting it as long as I don;t order any more books from Audrey's.

I was going to tighten this whole thing up but you know what? I'm lazy this morning. I'm going to have my insulin, drink my beer and ina couple of hours, go to bed I'm wiped  out. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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