Tuesday, March 24, 2015

As I was about to head out of here Monday

for a temp agency across the street from Corona station, I decided to make a job lead phone call. Its a market research firm. Yes they were hiring could I come in for a interview? Sure 10:30 Tuesday morning. My wife used to work there years ago at this firm. 

I left out of here to catch the bus shortly before 9am for the train and I barely made it for my 10:30am appointment. The interview went well and I start training on Tuesday. It doesn't mean to say with any surety that I got the job yet, though I've been hired on the spot. I should have asked what does the training consist of? Would there be any aspect of the training that might not qualify me from doing the job? At the other place part of the training process was a typing speed test, which I didn't have to take at the time. I never asked why. Was it because my boss told supervisors at the time not to bother with me taking the typing test, because I had over 10 years of customer service? Or was it because my boss who knew me from before said something like,"James doesn't need to take the typing test." Or was it because the unemployment rate being so low 2 years ago he was desperate for workers? Maybe it was a combination of all 3. The person who hired me this morning dropped the name of the last call centre he worked at and I said, my wife used to work there (about 8 years ago)."Oh what's her name?" Anne. "I remember her, I was her supervisor back then." I also mentioned another colleague I used to work with that works here. Even though this guy was Anne's supervisor from before she still had to take the typing test. I was probably so happy at the time I got the job I forgot to ask about the training. Some guy is supposed to call me later tonight for me to confirm when to come in for training.The shift starts in 10 minutes so I hope I get a call sometime tonight. They pay by a cheque and have only the Edmonton office. Maybe I should ask is there any part of the training that would disqualify me for he job?

Also the other guy from the work from home might call but I'll be calling him back to get further details. So in case I fail at the typing aspect of the job and don't get the job I have the work from home thing to fall back on. So on it goes. Anyway, that's all for now.

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