Thursday, March 12, 2015

My interview yesterday morning

paid off and I got the job. Its an ad job, which basically means if I can sell, I'm in. If I can't, I'm out. If I get a paid week, out of this place, I'll be happy and like everything else, move on. If I last longer then a week, great. It is what it is. If I don't last there, then I go on to the next ad job. Rinse and repeat until my ei claim is finalized. They said by the end of this month. Then depending on how many weeks I have, I take courses until the economy improves. I start this job Monday as its from 8:30am to 5pm. I like the office its a nice place.

Monday is my wife's birthday Monday and we're going out Sunday. As luck would have it the city has shut down the lrt and has contingency buses instead. Or as they call it "replacement" buses. It limits our options where we can go out to eat. We might go to Capital Pizza which has nothing to do with the lrt. They have a Giant Tiger and a Dairy Queen. Love their ice cream.

Have you been following this controversy over Robin Thick/Marvin Gaye "blurred lines" issue? Crazy. As I understand it, anyone can cover any song so long as they either ask permission from the copywrite holder, or if they are not making money from the song itself and credit the original artist. When I cover Louie, Louie (eventually) I'm pretty sure I'd be in the clear as long as I state that I am not making money from this and credit the original artist.

Because I got the job and I start Monday, I'm sleeping in today and watch the Oiler game tonight. I have 4 days off. So over the course of those 4 days I'm going to work on a beat. Anyway that's all for now.

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