Saturday, March 7, 2015

At least the weather is decent enough as

this is daylight savings weekend. Even though at the moment its +5 it feels like +1. Its because of all the ice and snow on the ground and the wind circulating the cold off it.

I got to thinking, why am I limiting my options to just customer service? I've done light warehouse work before (even though that was 30 years ago) and some janitorial (almost 20 years ago) and security guard work 15 years ago. The way my conditioning is now, I doubt I could do heavy duty warehouse work but light warehouse work like stocking shelves, that kind of thing. Maybe. At Malatest the cleaning crew would be working around us from about 7:30pm-8pm. I could do something like that. The key there is to keep moving. Security guard work though is my best option for anything other then customer service. Holding me back from any security guard work is a course that seems to be mandatory for all guards is called "Tip of Spear." Its $100 online and $200 on site. I need to check this out in case my ei claim doesn't go through, then what?

The plan Monday is to call a job lead too see if they are hiring and how do I get my resume. It's days. Then I've got to gather all of my roe's and head down to Service Canada. Then down to my bank to get a couple of direct bank deposit forms. Then to call the above job lead to confirm they have my resume. Then, timing is critical here, head out to another job lead and wander in at 4:30pm and ask if I can get my job back. Hopefully I can citing the other job at the time has a shortage of work but at the time I left they had a long project with lots of overtime. I just hope that I didn't burn my bridge with these people in October, when last I was there. 

As for today, I'm getting some pdf files for ei, reading and working on a track. Anyway, that's all for now.   

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