Monday, November 11, 2013

November is a special month for me

because it being Remembrance day for one, and a long weekend. Also it is the month in which US President John Kennedy was assassinated. Its also step up night in the Lodge. The Oiler's are on a long road trip because of the CFR rodeo and it's the CFL Grey Cup playoffs winding down to the Grey Cup November 23rd. November 23rd is chalk full of all kinds of things going on.

This November is especially interesting because it's the 50th anniversary of the assassination of US President John Kennedy, often referred to as JFK. I'm no expert but I've done a fair bit of reading on the topic. Just the back story alone leading up to that tragic day in Dallas is amazing. It almost rivals the event of the assassination itself! We can start with Oswald's defection to Russia in 1953, then the General Walker murder attempt of April 10th 1963. Then on August 9 1963 Oswald gets arrested in New Orleans in a fight by anti-Castro Cubans as he was handing out pamphlets as secretary of the New Orleans chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. Then there's Oswald's exit out of the Texas Schoolbook depository building (often refered to as TSBD) after the assassination. Then the murder of Police officer JD Tippit shortly after Kennedy is shot, and the flight after that which led up to Oswald's arrest in the Texas theater. If that's not enough there's the shooting of Oswald by Jack Ruby as Oswald was being transferred to the Dallas Jail. There were subplots as well, like the Payne's that looked after Oswald's estranged wife Maria and the stuff going on at the TSBD. Even the rifle alegedly used by Oswald has it's own fascinating story. There's the Secret Service controversy in the operating room at Parkland hospital. That in itself is mind boggling. Then there's the Warren Commission on the Assassination of JFK a year later, and the Church committee's limited report on the assassination and then in 1978 The House Select Committee on JFK not to mention the movie JFK by Oliver Stone and the Assassination Records Review Board of the Clinton administration. Plus the many theories and books about the topic. The JFK assassination is a big story with so many twists and turns and side plots. Its the murder mystery of the ages. Which all of the above leads up to a documentary Anne and I were watching released this year "The Smoking gun." The premise of the documentary puts forward that Service Service Agent George Hickey in the follow up car behind the limousine accidentally let off a round by a assault rifle he held in the followup car. There's photographic evidence of Hickey holding the assault rifle prior to the fatal shot. The accidental "Hickey shot" was the shot in Kennedy's back that caused all those wounds called "The magic bullet." The fatal shot. The exit wound is always larger then the entrance wound. The exit wound was up and behind the right ear. The fatal shot then would have had to come above the left ear to cause a exit wound on the back right side. Meaning to say the shot came from the other side of the limousine. Or a frontal shot above the hairline above the right eye to blow out the area of the head up and behind the right ear. Some witnesses said they smelled gun smoke at street level. First shot misses and hits the curb where James Tague was standing. Second shot was an accident in reaction to the first shot by Secret Service agent Hickey from behind in the follow up car. The fatal shot had to be from behind or in that area of the picket fence that hit Kennedy above the eye by the hairline causing the blow out exit wound in the back. I believe that one shot came from the TSBD but it missed and hit the curb. 

I'm enjoying my day off and we're going to have our Sunday brunch today. A home made burger and fries are on the menu for tonight.

I'm off tomorrow and after we get this thing with the repairs/inspection done, I'm changing into my suit and tie and heading out to Lodge.

The rest of this week is just a regular work week. My only out is tomorrow night. I've got some memory work coming up for our next meeting. Other then that I'm working Wednesday-Saturday. Sunday we have a Lodge practice. Anyway, that's all for now.

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