Wednesday, November 27, 2013

So I delivered the bad news to my wife that my hours

are reduced but I have options and resources, that's the good news. I still want to keep this job but get some pick up hours in the meantime until things pick up mid January. Thursday I'm heading down to Alberta Works to get some career counseling, resume` building and a job search. Since most employers want email resume` submissions only, that makes it easy to get my resume` into the hands of potential employers. I can always follow up from there. I've got great qualifications, good resources and a strong labor market going for me. Ok, enough of that.

This from i09:Turn your home into the Death Star with these amazing wall tiles. Turn any surface of your home into the cavernous surface of the Death Star thanks to these custom-made Star Wars tiles. This is really cool.

It looks like phase 1 of the Millwoods/Lewis Farms LRT project "Valley Line" will get under way in 2016 and completed by 2020. The preliminary design is done and the City is just waiting until the New Year to apply to the Feds and the Province for P3 funding. We want more from the Province (over $350 million) and just $150 from the Feds. the City has $800 million for the project. We should have the funding in place by 2015. It's about a 6 year project.

One of the really cool projects out of rocket company Ad Astra is their VASIMR plasma rocket or Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket. Basically unlike conventional chemical rockets that uses chemical fuel VASIMR uses plasma. The engine works and has been tested. It's hoped that the engine could be charged using the International Space Station. More of VASIMR can be found here.

One of my favorite shows growing up in the 1960's is a show called The Avengers and I don't mean the Marvel Superhero group. The Avengers became one of the first British series to be aired on prime time U.S. television. It had a budge of about $60,000 per episode. YouTube it! Great stuff. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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