Thursday, January 2, 2014

Lodge night tonight and I'm out of here about

5:30pm to get a card and to head out to Lodge. I have keys to get inside. Not that its cold out or anything with the temperature around -3 or so.

About Lodge tonight, we have a couple pieces of new business and some old business to take care of tonight. I'm going to be busy.

Not much going on Coast tonight except their annual prediction show. Not very exciting. The shows get a little better on the weekend.

I'm not a pot smoker never have been one never will but in Colorado and soon Washington in the U.S. A pot smoker can now just go into that store and order a bags worth. Buying pot in Colorado will be at specialty stores taxed at about 30%. This now gives a new meaning to ther term "Drug Store." Also, does this mean that it's now legal to smoke pot anywhere in that state? I wonder how much weed will cost at the new store? Will it go for the same value as "on the street?" Local news interviewed various people and some say they sold there house to move to Colorado just to live there because of the new Law. Local news showed long line ups of people trying to legally buy pot. I'm sure there are a ton of privacy concerns with this new Law, with various Law enforcement watching the initial line ups of people coming and going. I can just imagine the scenario's: "That person we know in a drug bust a month ago claimed he doesn't smoke pot. Apparently we have him now, lets reopen the case," type thing. Also how about the cases where a pot smoker claims his weed is for medical purposes only and is now seen at the retail store buying it. Or what about said pot smoker buying from his dealer and now the dealer is saying "look you buy from me or I won't supply you with other stuff you need." Or with the pot inventories not moving the harder stuff now goes up in price putting a burden on the person buying the hard stuff. So the crime rate goes up. It's still probably cheaper to buy pot on the street. I'm sure all of these questions have been answered already. It's very interesting. 

Earlier this morning thanks to YouTube I've been learning a little bit of German. I can now saw "I want to have it": Ich will es habben :-)

I'm working Friday and Saturday. Hopefully on my 1st job we'll have Sunday off but I put my name in for Sunday, if we have it. Beyond that, I don't now. I still have my 2nd job. Anyway that;s all for now.

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