Saturday, June 14, 2014

About now the guys are ready to

get on the bus for Calgary. I had options to get on the bus via Dan, possibly Mike. With Anne's hours now reduced to X2 4 hour days and my hours could be reduced as well, with 7.5 hours today I'm not going to lose $130 just to get down to Calgary for the day. It's not going to happen. If my hours would have been more steady and Anne had her hours, fine. There's always next year. 

There's been trouble again in Iraq with the AL-Qaeda splinter terrorist group known as ISIL is over running the fragile country. It's causing the price of oil to rise here in Alberta. Syria is also lending a hand to it's troubled neighbor in response to the rebels.

Finally the 2014 playoff race is over. The LA Kings won again, twice in 3 years. They were saying lat night  that NY Rangers goal tender was playing his 666th game on Friday the 13th! The Rangers we're just pouring it on in the finale 6 minutes of double OT. Maybe the numbers above had something to do with it..

In they're first pre season game the Esks held the lead in the game until late in the 4th quarter. BC won 14-11. We had 2 field goal attempts for 6 points and blew it because of a rookie kicker. The guy hit the goal post and kicked it wide. Plus the Esks squandered a pretty good run in the first half resulting in the sloppy field goal failures. BC had possession of the ball most of the time.

I watched the last hour of Smackdown and Anne came home with a deli pizza. It was that thin crust kind. All I have are just the roots of my front teeth and a few bottom ones so it was kind of hard to eat. If I get any medical benefits this Summer, I'm getting these teeth out and getting dentures. I'd rather go through a couple hours of pain for long term gain.

Today my commute begins in about an hour and I'll get some breakfast at Tim's and I'm off for a full day, and home. I think there's a CFL game on for tonight but I doubt it. I'm also going to tweak my resume as I'm applying for a security guard job. I could see myself working 5-9 for 3 days/week and the security guard job as graveyard. Something like that. I'll be sending my resume this weekend Anyway, that's about all for now.

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