Sunday, January 25, 2015

National news last night

showed something from Microsoft called HoloLens to bring augmented reality experiences to life. The technology essentially places an overlay on real environments, enabling wearers of the HoloLens to turn their living rooms into levels of the game Minecraft, for example, or let architects take clients through new constructions or scientists tour Mars. Its not quite a Star Trek Holodeck or anything and the headsets are not as cool looking as Google glass. Hololens is slated to come out around Christmas time. I haven't heard anything about pricing but my guess is probably about $500 street.

I decided against going out to Royal Rumble today only because Anne and I need to go out Monday to the Apple store at Southgate. We're having trouble with our iPad 2 sound and its a bit of a outing for us as well. I've been trying out various solutions on the web but that hasn't fixed the problem so we're going to the source.

I'm really enjoying this Facebook site "I grew up in Coquitlam." I'm in the Soupy's thread. Soupy's the name of a popular corner grocery store. Soupy's was just about the only store in Coquitlam for a large chunk of the City and pretty much was until it closed. I remember as a kid growing up in the 1960's this is where we got our Marvel comics, bubble gum cards, penny candy, just about everything. One of the contributors to this post says he is neighbors with the owners. The store in its then incarnation goes back to 1962 (possibly earlier) and even before that it was called something else. The store is empty and if you use Google maps its on the corner of Como Lake and Robinson.

Also about the group I learned that the school I used to go to Austin Height's was called Central before I went there in 1965. Austin was met with the wrecking ball in the early 1980's I believe. Before we head out Monday I'm calling my school district and ask if I can get my transcripts. That'd be really cool. Anyway, that's all for now.

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