Thursday, January 8, 2015

Patrick Henry once said

these words or something similar: "Give me Liberty or give me death." In light of the Paris massacre yesterday like Mr. Henry I proclaim this manifesto: "Give me Liberty or give me death," to the Islamic terrorists that hate the ideals of virtue, freedom and liberty. Napoleon Bonaparte said something like, "here are only two powers in the world, saber and mind; at the end, saber is always defeated by mind." You may have dampened our spirits but you will never crush our resolve. We are not afraid. There will be a retribution. 

On a lighter note: So now the "anti Cosby' movement has revved up a notch. They are protesting Cosby's Canadian tour. What is it now 9 women have made allegations that Cosby rapped them? I lost count. Now they are blocking the doors to where Cosby is performing standing in the way of patrons to see him. These women making these allegations are as phony as a $3 bill. They say "Were, not in it for the money." Of course not but a tell all book deal wouldn't hurt much like the woman who made the allegation against Prince Andrew. Even before any law suite she's already announcing a book deal. I wonder how many of these women (gold diggers) would pass a polygraph (lie detector) or stress-strain analysis test? Probably none. These allegations remind me of the celebrate baby scandals that occurred awhile back. Its a farce.  

I removed my Jim Tube video because it was already pushing a year old now. I'm going to put a Je suis Charlie" slogan in its place. Anyway, that's all for now. 

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