Friday, January 16, 2015

This is old news by now

but Target is abandoning Canada. All 133 stores will be closed.  This has got nothing to do with oil. Target will lose $5.4 Billion dollars. Target's demise was not understanding the Canadian retail market and moving in to fast. They boasted low prices and a great selection but their sloppy management, and near empty shelves isn't just a Canadian thing. Canadian parent American stores are just the same there. Target's 17,600 Canadian employees will be getting a 16 week severance package. Liquidation of Target stock will be happening soon. I've been through a Target store a few times but I never shopped in one. Also, Sony is closing 19 Canadian stores but not as many jobs will be affected.

Today I'm going to go visit the caretaker and ask what our options are. I'm going to ask if we can do this at the end of the month because our hours are fixed for next week (which mine are) and we can figure out what our options are. Or and if we can have the empty suite across the hall or something else just to stay for ourselves and our cats. We're off all day Saturday and we can make some headway there. 

Also, I'm going to be re booking my Doctor's appointment today for next week, once we're done with this. Crisis. Then after that it's off for another 4 hours. I booked for a full availability for next week from Sunday to Saturday. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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