Friday, July 29, 2011

As nice as Linux is

its not very user friendly. For instance in Windows when you need to download something it walks you through a process. Linux it's a few steps more and in some case you have to know some code. For audio, Windows/Mac uses something called Asio. For Linux it uses Jack/D. There's a version of this for Windows as well and is probably more user friendly then Linux. As cool as the programs in Linux are for DAW's etc, the process to get them configured is really complicated and way over my head. Most popular audio interfaces aren't even supported by Linux because most things in Linux are open sourced.

I had a great day yesterday on the job, except for a certain little Troll, who has an attitude problem and a huge chip on his shoulder. At break I was wandering around noticing the Troll and Gary on cell phones. I said something just to be friendly "Wow look at all the cell phones!" I was being rhetorical and it had nothing to do with the Troll but he has his head so far stuck up his ass, he thought it did. He got scolded for having his shirt off before the break for a reason I don't know,nor less care. So now he's going around saying how some of the supervisors are soft because he's probably PO'd he got moved off taps. I'm thinking about making a complaint to the boss when he comes back about the Troll. Even people after shift I rode down the elevator with thought the Troll lost it. Anyway I got a $30 bonus for my work ethic earlier. I came within $15 on card from claiming $50 but there wasn't enough time in the shift.

Also, we had the BC/Winnipeg game on and I picked Winnipeg to win, which they did 21-25. It was close. Then there are 2 games tonight: Esks/Argos (Esks to win) and Montreal/Hamilton. Hamilton to win. The last game is Calgary/Sk Riders to win. If the other 3 games are all correct I could win $58!

It's been a heck of a week. North of the US boarder we're all here are kind of watching the financial situation in the US Debt day deadline. Things could get interesting in the next 5 days. Both sides are blaming the other and playing politics with each other.

I've been posting some comments over there on the Connect 2 Edmonton forum about the downtown new arena and one of the posters suggested that if katz wants the $100M bad enough why not just use his line of credit? Makes sense to me. The Province suggested earlier this week that something called the MSI fund could be used to fund the arena. I hope it gets built.

Sunday at least, Coast has a decent show on Ancient aliens. Cool. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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