Sunday, July 17, 2011

This afternoon I discovered Music maker 17

and I'm salivating over this software.

I'm going to cancel out on Sib 6 and get the funds this weekend ona disposable credit card and order this thing. I'm going to get the Premium version. It can do all the things FL. Studio and Cubase can do and more. I wont even need Battery 3 as it's got this built in. I hope to have Music Maker 17 on the weekend.

I had a bit of a nap earlier and slept for about 4 winks. I Have a fan on in my office as pictured here and its not cooling down at all. I think were going to have the air conditioner in for tonight. First thing Monday morning, I'm calling L&M and ask them to cancel on the Sib 6. It could be a bit redundant. I asked to save it yesterday and they were closed today. So that's not too bad.

I don't know what's been going on with any new episodes of Doctor Who. We haven't been able to see any since April.

One of my brothers is on the move somewhere. I have an idea it's somewhere on the island between Victoria and Campbell River. Probably has to do with his girlfriend. and I'm not even sure what he's doing these days. Our family hasn't been that close since mom passed away.

So I'm just sitting here trying to beat the heat. Boots is resting on a patio chair out here as the birds are in their cages enjoying a warm summer night.

My teeth haven't been bugging me that much these days, thanks God. The front tooth that has been broken off has been but it hasn't been a searing kind of a pain or anything.
I'm off Monday and I'm calling in L&M for a stop hold on Sib  6. this frees me up $100 in cash for MM 17 when I get my check Friday. Hopefully after work Saturday I can get a Master Card from Money mart when I get home after a nap I can order MM17 and have some fun. Also I want to get the last 2 books in that SF trilogy as well.

The Esks are at Calgary so this should be a good game. I think this would be a good double or nothing game to regain my $5 loss yesterday.

This August on my birthday I'm volunteering at Fort Edmonton Park with Dan. I suggested if he wants to bring his crib board, I'll play him a couple of rounds. Then in September we have a EA degree coming up. This will be my 3rd EA as SD. Hopefully the last 2 FC's wont be ready for their MM until I become JW. There's a lot of  memory work for that one. Knowing my luck, I'll be taking in 3 MM's during the balance of my SD year. The busiest chairs I think are the SD and the JW. Not to mention the Treasurer's and the WM's chair. The IPM is the chair I can't wait to take. That means I would have covered all of the chairs and I can go further on in the York Rite. I want to go on through the Royal Arch as well and the Allied degrees, eventually. There's lots of Masonic Work yet to do.

Speaking of Freemasonry I recall way back in the early 1990's when Eugene was the Priest of one of the many Gnostic masses he did and I recall the sash he had been wearing. He was wearing his Royal Arch masonic regalia that night. Royal Arch's are the only ones, I know of that wear a sash and he had all his pins from the Canadian Rite on that sash. I thought this was very impressive and was one of the reasons why I joined Masonry not just for that but because I like learning through the degrees. I'm not big on pins and regalia because I don't have any Masonic pins or rings or that kind of thing on my person.

This has been a unusual long post this evening but that's about all for now I'll post the fan pic later.

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